Class of 2025
Senior photos only happen once in your life, so you want to be sure you do it right. Everyone at Colleen & Co. understands how important these photos are to you and we will do everything in our power to make sure you love the entire experience!
Here is a quick breakdown of the senior photo experience at Colleen & Co.
1. Decide on the session length you want for your photos. We reserve 15 minutes per outfit. The session fee is $25 per outfit. The minimum order commitment is $100 per outfit. Most seniors choose 2-4 outfits.
2. Call the studio to reserve your session experience. Have a calendar handy and a credit card. Sessions are prepaid when you reserve your time.
3. Arrive to the studio a few minutes early the day of your session. We will review your information and show you to your dressing room.
4. You will meet the photographer and show them your outfits. Don't forget your accessories to complete each outfit.
5. After the session, you will talk to someone for a few minutes about packages, collections and products. They will schedule you a time to come back to order your images and send you home with information.
6. Keep checking social media. We will upload a sneak peek to facebook and instagram.
7. Your previews will be ready to pick up or you will receive them in the mail in a few days.
8. Arrive for your scheduled order appointment and we will help you make selections you will be proud to hang in your home.
9. Sessions are limited to July 9th - August 9th. The studio does not photograph any custom sessions between August 9th and the end of October.
10. Enjoy your portraits and products for generations to come!
Call us today to reserve your session (717)896-3113

It has never been easier or more affordable to schedule a session at Colleen & Co. Call the studio to reserve your session date and time. We promise to exceed your expectations.
ADD ON A CREEK WATER SESSION - Includes one outfit. We will take a short drive to a public park where we will photograph you in and around the water.
ADD ON A SUNFLOWER FIELD SESSION - Includes one outfit. We will take a short drive to a private sunflower field. Sunflowers are only in season a few weeks out of the summer. We will have a better idea of timing a little closer to summer.